A peek at the life of another kind of family. Author: Hojo Tsukasa
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A look at RPG cinematics
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FF8 really took the gaming world by storm when it was released in March earlier on this year in Japan and other countries. Although it was in Japanese version, the amount of info on the game itself that you can find on the WWW is astounding. In fact, months before it was slated to be released, FF8 sites have sprung up all over the internet, giving fans like us a glimpse of things to come. I have done my own share of research into the game and find that it is a worthy purchase when the game (English version) hits the stores here in September.
So for FF8 fans, just hang on. In the meanwhile, take a look at some of the scenes from the game here.
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By the way, if you have any exquisite pictures (original or from other sources) that you want to share with me, you are most welcome to do so.